Nowadays, everyone face issues regarding sleep, it is a major issue for every individual. The level of sleep is unbalanced due to stress or for other problems. When any person takes issues about sleep for long time, then it is converted to the Insomnia. So, we have to aware ourself regarding sleep facts. There are plenty of solution to improve our sleep at night. First of all, it is important to know for everyone that why sleep is so important for us.
Why sleep is so important
A good sleep is very important for our health, good sleep increases concentration and productivity. Poor sleep may caused higher body weight, so good sleep is very important to maintain body weight. Due to poor sleep people may feel lethargic and sometimes get headache.
In addition
- Better sleep helps people to energetic throughout the day.
- It can helps to boost memory.
- Good sleep boosts our immune system.
- Poor sleep may caused depression and increased inflammation.
- Sleep also effects our emotion and social interaction.
- Good sleep replenish our body, when we sleep, our body repair itself.
- Better sleep heals our body from the stress, ultra-voilet rays, harmful exposure, muscle injuries etc.
- It improves our focus as well as learning skills.
- It also enhances our mood and decrease stress level.
- Do not consume caffeine at night
Caffeine can have a disruptive effect on your sleep. One study also found that caffeine can delay the timing of your body clock. these effects will reduce your total sleep time. so, don't consume coffee late in the day.
- Do exercise on daily basis
Do exercise daily because exercise increases sleep quality and decreased insomnia. exercise also decreases the stress which is also improve our sleep quality.
- Do not eat late at night
When we eat late at night, it can delay your ability to fall asleep and prevent you from getting deep sleep because the muscles that digest and metabolize our food have to keep working when they resting and provides you energy which can be affect on your sleep.
- Maintain your bedroom environment
Maintaining a quiet, dark atmosphere and moderate to cool comfortable temperature between 60/70 degree fahrenheit or 20 degree celsius for getting good sleep. Get a comfortable bed, mattress and pillow, which helps you sleep faster.
- Avoid napping
short naps don't affect on your night time sleep but if you are suffered from insomnia or poor sleep quality at night, then napping might worse these problems. So, avoid this if you can.
- Do not drink liquid before bedtime
Drinking water or other liquid before bed can increase the amount of times you need to urinate at night. Always try to drink liquid or water before bed At least 2 hours, Allowing you to sleep seven to eight hours without disturbance.
Taking a bath or shower before bed is also a great remedy for sleep. This is because when we take a warm bath, it can help us relax but also our body temperature tends to drop after a warm bath, which improves our sleep and sleep quality.
Stick to a sleep time and wake up time, even on the holidays and the weekends. Don't stress about no, sleeping, think in positive terms.
- Control your exposure to light
Exposure to light during the day is beneficial, but night time exposure to light has opposite effect, due to Circadian rhythms.
Circadian rhythm are mostly affected by light and darkness and controlled by a small area in the middle of the brain. this reduce hormones like Melatonin, which you relax and get deep sleep.
Avoid blue light emitted by your laptop, phone etc. within 1-2 hours before bedtime.
- Reading books before bed
Reading also allows your muscles to relax and shows down your breathing, leaving you feeling calmer. when we are reading, do it in a comfortable position, sitting or lying down- in a quiet place. The sleep council say, who are in the habbit of reading before they go to sleep, sleep very well.
- Don't drink alcohol
Alcohol increases the symptoms of sleep Apnea, snoring and disturb the sleep patterns. It also causes insomnia.
After a few hours of sleep, alcohol can cause you to wake up and have a difficult time going to sleep.
Alcohol also has a negative effect on Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep
- Manage worries
Stress, anxiety can cause serious sleep issues, such as insomnia. Many reports say that their stress increases when the time and quality of their sleep decreases. So manage your worries and take a good sleep at least 7-8 hours minimum.
- Don't work on bed
Don't work on bed, it become more difficult to fall asleep because your brain will think you are in a place of work.
- Keep your mind free
You can't sleep if your brain is busy. So, try to eliminate stress or thoughts for at least two hours sleep. You can meditate or practice yoga and read a relaxing book for keeping your mind free before sleep.
- Don't smoking
Cigarette- Nicotine in the tobacco same as the caffeine, which disturb your sleep. It is also raise the risk of developing sleep conditions, such as sleep apnea etc.
- Use melatonin supplement
The hormone melatonin plays a very important role in your natural sleep or wake up cycle. Some researches shows that melatonin supplements might be helpful in treating sleep disorders, such as delayed sleep phase, insomnia and jet lag.
Foods that helps for better sleep
- Figs
- Pistachios
- Walnut
- Prunes
- Almonds
- Fatty fish
- Cherries
- Turkey
- Dark chocolate
- kiwi
- Nuts
- Oat meal
- Sweet potato
If you are still having trouble sleeping, consult your doctor or find a sleep professional.
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